Software Engineering
Inspyr designs, creates, implements, and enhances innovative solutions to support forward-thinking scientific research and operational excellence. Customer priorities – current and emerging – drive our approach and ability to link field data collection, laboratory research, day-to-day operations, and technologies to scientists, policy-makers, decision-makers, and other stakeholders.
We help our customers streamline and improve methods, techniques, and information quality enabling them to achieve scientific and technological advancements, synergies, and efficiencies like few small businesses can.
Ground System Satellite Software Support
Inspyr provides support to environmental-satellite-related computer software and the data flows that underpins the nation’s collection of weather, ocean, and environmental data.
Our staff provide services to critical ground software systems, including planning, development, test, operations, maintenance, and evolution activities. Our work supports systems including: GOES-R, ISatSS and AHIProc, Meso Mission Manager, AWIPS software, and SPADES. Our staff are experts in many services, including:
- Targeted level-2 product generation
- Reformatting and tailoring satellite data
- Augmenting or enhancing the availability and display of satellite data on forecaster workstations
- Earth and space weather product processing
Inspyr’s approach focuses on satellite system integration, getting diverse applications across the satellite software portfolio into unity. This includes moving applications into the cloud, enabling far easier interaction between systems, enabling technologies like machine learning to be applied in more places, and reducing costs and complexity. Bringing more of the satellite software and databases into concert enables consolidation, reducing the volume of supporting systems and pooling resources for tasks like database support.
Geospatial and Geolocation Information Systems
Inspyr’s spatial data and modeling experts create spatial data that NOAA, local communities, and state and local authorities use to study the effects of commercial fishing, recreation, and industrial use on marine ecosystems and resources. Our GIS Specialists have developed complex models, tools, and visualizations of biological, ecological and geological features that directly impact decision‐making and policy on the restoration of natural ecological functions, enhancement of biodiversity and increased abundance and size of species, and protection of marine habitats across the US.
Electronic Data Collection, Monitoring, and Reporting
Inspyr provides innovative electronic reporting and monitoring (ER/EM) solutions – collectively called Electronic Data Collection (EDC) – that enhance the breadth and depth of scientific and technical data collection, analysis, and use across multiple fisheries. We seek, evaluate, and integrate core EM and ER technologies from global partners to meet customer-specific priorities. We leverage the expertise of our scientists, researchers, observers, and technologists to create next-generation toolsets for automated species and gear recognition, population assessments, and creative mash-ups that extend the value, variety, availability, and usefulness of information collected.
Inspyr also works with our customers to plan for the smooth integration of ER and EM into existing environments – demonstrating how these new technologies can truly benefit fishermen and the fishing community, as well as improve the quality, type, and diversity of data collected – and contribute positively to better fisheries resource management, reduced bycatch, and better safety at sea.
Unmanned and Remotely Operated Technologies
Inspyr uses progressive technologies such Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) fixed wing and hexacopters to collect data required for projects on abundance, classification, measurement, distribution, and population dynamics of marine mammals in the Pacific. We are also helping NOAA to refine policies associated with the use of UAS technologies in meeting various research needs.
Inspyr also designs, develops, and deploys Underwater Aquatic Vehicle (UAV) technology to survey and capture imagery of remote areas, including mapping and photographing small atolls and islands, and surveying shipwreck sites. We have trained and certified UAV pilots on staff to operate UAVs for a variety of purposes. Inspyr is also conducting comparison and technical assessment studies of the Modular Optical Underwater Survey System (MOUSS), a stereo-video system providing high-quality digital imagery in a smaller gear package, that is used by NOAA for underwater fisheries-independent surveys.